Being Mormon at Work

I am one of two LDS people at my work, and the only one under the age of 50. Most of my coworkers have 0 idea about Mormons and our beliefs and it leads to some pretty funny misconceptions.

There are some people who like to ask me questions about some of our beliefs, like the conversation I had with my coworker about why I don’t drink coffee and how he hated how so many Mormons answer the same question with, “I don’t know, my parents told me not to,” which is understandable. But then there’s my boss who obviously hasn’t had too much interaction with Mormons because he draws a lot of funny assumptions about us. He seems to think that sinners aren’t allowed to go to church, which I think is funny, because I’m as far as you can get from perfect at keeping the commandments. But by far, my favorite one was what we do when I hang out with my fellow Mormon friends. I think he knew a Mormon who was good at ping pong and loved doing that with his friends. We had a ping pong tournament going on at work, and he seemed shocked when I lost a game. He asked, and I quote, “isn’t this what you guys do? How’d you lose to Brett??” I knew exactly what he meant, but I love teasing this guy along, so I laughed and said, “who’s us guys?” He knew what he wanted to say but he tried to beat around the bush and say, “umm you know, your church group..” I kept on laughing and told him that not all Mormons play ping pong all the time. And then he started talking about ice cream and how “my people” loved it, which made 0 sense, but I’m just gonna guess that the Mormon he knew who loved ping pong also loved to eat ice cream while doing it with his friends.

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